To navigate uncertainty, school leaders must remain true to their institution's mission and core values while also being agile to respond and pivot…
From mud-walled classrooms to cutting-edge labs, the UAE has come a long way since 1971.Read the full article at:
These are disruptive times and technical training institution leaders, like the rest, need to navigate new pathways.
Teacher participation in policy decisions is vital to find common solutions to problems and strengthen governance in education.Read the full article…
The implementation of home-based teaching and learning (PdPR) not only covers online learning, but also manual teaching aids, said Senior Education…
EASTEM is a capacity-building project funded by Erasmus+ with the aim of improving employability of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and…
School leavers are delighted to have the chance to share a special day with family, classmates and teachers.Read the full article at:…
The WHO Representative in Angola, Dr. Djamila Cabral, met in Luanda the Minister of Education of Angola, Dr. Luísa Grilo, to whom she addressed issues…
Students, teachers and staff in New York schools were still required to wear masks Monday, despite a conflicting letter from the governor's health…
The agency released the "maintenance of equity" guidance on COVID-19 relief as part of a public-relations blitz on equity amid the pandemic.Read the…
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