West Bengal's Sunshine Schools project aims to bring cheap, reliable power to 25,000 remote schools and add 250 MW of clean energy to the grid.Read…
The Florida Department of Education is planning a “listening tour” over the next two weeks for people to provide input on a proposed rule seeking to…
The Education Department is withdrawing its recognition of the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools, barring the controversial…
Various certifications and extracurriculars are also being accepted to support students’ application.Read the full article at:
The American University of Bahrain (AUBH) became the first University in the kingdom to achieve eligibility to proceed with an Application for…
Online support platforms are also accessible for 70 percent of people as the country measures up to digital learning leaders worldwide.Read the full…
All schools in Malaysia will carry out home-based teaching and learning for the new school term beginning mid-June.Read the full article at:…
Following PM Narendra Modi's announcement to cancel the CBSE board exams 2021, several states announced their decisions to cancel the state board…
Fourteen-year-old Stella is an environmental conservation champion at her school in Baringo County, Kenya. Her love for nature inspired Stella to join…
Loss of young Europeans on pupil visits will cause major reputational damage to UK, warn tour organisers.Read the full article at:
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