Argentina's Supreme Court overruled President Alberto Fernandez's decree to close Buenos Aires schools amid a surge in coronavirus cases, siding with…
Round 4 of the Schools Infection Survey (SIS) shows a significant drop in the number of secondary school pupils and staff testing positive for…
7 technological resources / tools that can help students into 21st-Century learning in ways traditional instruction cannot.
The country cannot stabilise without an educated population, but people cannot go to school without stability.Read the full article at:…
Mistrust of government and a new emphasis on national education could be accelerating an exodus from Hong Kong as parents seek a brighter future…
Survey for FT report on short courses also shows a renewed focus on diversity.Read the full article at:
Officials cannot show that almost £1bn has helped children from deprived backgrounds, report finds.Read the full article at:
According to a statistical report issued by the ministry’s Planning Department, a total of 1,460 public and private schools in all governorates will…
The countrywide reopening of schools in South Sudan is a welcome step on the road to “normalcy” for youngsters, two in three of whom need humanitarian…
Emirati school pupils will physically attend the three-week-long national service summer training course, which will start from August 1, while…
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