As the coronavirus pandemic slows in the US, tension among parents, teachers and school districts over restarting classes have in the past week moved…
Schools are continuing to look for effective and affordable ways to enhance classroom learning or better support remote learning, and the tech…
Nick Gibb says ‘open to all ideas’ to help pupils catch up, with shorter holidays also proposed.Read the full article at:
The Education Promotion Society for India (EPSI) has urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to provide top priority to the education sector and assign…
Now, the White House has clarified that it considers a school open if it offers students in-person instruction at least one day a week – a much lower…
The government and the main opposition on Tuesday continued their clash over the education bill, which, notably, provides for the introduction of a…
The number of direct beneficiaries of the program has reached 22,287 while 30,000 have benefited indirectly. The center is providing psychosocial…
The Hope probe's historic mission to Mars will inspire current and future generations to pursue careers in science, technology, mathematics and…
The Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management team in Ajman, has decided to suspend regular learning in…
Australia's Cabinet offers no new details for international students to return to Australia. Only citizens or residents stranded overseas will be…
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