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Natassja Williams

Natassja Williams

Deputy Head of Wellbeing (Whole School), Cranleigh Abu Dhabi

Natassja qualified with a BA Hons in Dance Studies from Roehampton University, and a PGCE in Secondary Dance from the University of Hertfordshire. She has taught in both Primary and Secondary schools in London, and also has been fully involved in the pastoral side of education since beginning her teaching career in 2009. No doubt Cranleighans will be inspired by her passionate and caring approach.

Natassja writes: “I am thrilled to be part of Cranleigh Abu Dhabi’s learning community being able to combine my two passions of Dance and pastoral is truly an educational dream of mine. I believe the arts are an essential element of education; developing pupil’s confidence, creativity and imagination. This lead me into my pathway of pastoral and safeguarding support. Children can only learn when they are happy, supported, guided and nurtured through their educational journey. All teachers have a role in the social and emotional development of every child they teach and it is vital to ensure every child has access to a positive and progressive learning experience.

I have spent many years supporting and helping children to develop their self- belief, resilience and confidence through the medium of Dance but these “tools” are needed in any subject and in any situation. I am truly an advocate for a “holistic” educational experience and that is what I and the staffing body foster and create at Cranleigh Abu Dhabi. Learning is not just in the classroom and it is not just in books.
Creating 21st century learners who are all rounded global citizens is our priority. We ensure our children at Cranleigh Abu Dhabi develop, foster and embed the “tools for life” to ensure not just an outstanding learning experience but a successful journey into adult hood.”