Stepping with Audacity into the New School Year

As an eternal optimist, I firmly believe that each year brings new opportunities… and for international school leaders, many of whom (in the northern hemisphere, at least) head back to schools in mid-August – the start of the new school year is more than just a calendar event. Although it may not always feel like it, amidst the operational necessities of school administration, the beginning of the school year is a profound opportunity to ignite passion, foster growth, and make an indelible impact on the lives of students and staff.

So … a few thoughts for the beginning of the year … all offered with a deep love for, and belief in, every school leader out there …

•    "Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others, it is the only means." – so, it is reported, said Albert Einstein. The essence of effective leadership lies in a compelling vision … but this vision requires you to channel it, and make it visible. A great vision is more than simply a strategic goal; it is a story that speaks to the heart. As an international school leader, your vision will encapsulate academic excellence, cultural richness, inclusivity, and the holistic development of your students. Start this academic year by vividly articulating this vision to your community. Paint it with words that inspire, and watch as it transforms from a mere idea into a shared mission, embraced by all.

•    In the intricate mosaic of an international school, trust and collaboration are the bedrock. Remember always to embrace the diversity of your staff and students by actively fostering an environment where every voice is heard and valued. Regular team meetings, professional learning communities, and informal gatherings can weave strong, trusting relationships (you know that!) … and remember, trust is built through consistent actions, transparent communication, and genuine empathy. I am not saying anything that you don’t already know, or want to achieve … so, commit to it. Show your staff that you believe in their capabilities and are passionate about their professional growth.

•    Empathy is not just a leadership skill; it is a necessity, especially in the complex, culturally international arena in which you operate. Breathe, and take the time to truly understand the diverse cultural backgrounds and experiences of your students and staff. Foster an environment that celebrates cultural diversity and sees it as a strength. When people feel understood and respected, they are more likely to engage wholeheartedly and contribute positively to the school community.

•    It may seem a truism, but the well-being of your school community should actually be at the forefront of your leadership agenda. Every recent global challenge has underscored the importance of mental health and resilience. So … advocate for a balanced approach to work and life, and model this balance yourself. A school that prioritises well-being is not only more productive but also a more supportive and sustainable environment. You know this …

•    Leadership is a journey of perpetual growth … and that includes yours. Make time for reflection and continuous learning. Seek feedback from your peers, your mentors, and those whom you lead. Engage in professional development, attend conferences, and stay abreast of the latest trends in educational leadership. Reflect on your experiences and challenges, and use these reflections to refine your thinking. Invest in a coach if you don’t already have one!

As the new school year unfolds, it is a time for all school leaders to inspire, motivate, and pave the way for success. As leaders, we often underplay our own impact, because we are so busy serving others. Your leadership has the power to shape the future of your students and the trajectory of your school. As you step into this new academic year, remember that you – yes, you! - are making a difference in the world by nurturing the next generation of global citizens, and your leadership will leave a lasting legacy. Own it!

Here’s to a year of inspiration, growth, and remarkable achievements! Onwards and upwards!

Dr Helen Wright is a warm, challenging, incisive leadership coach and former school Principal who works with school leaders across the world. She is a speaker and panel chair at GESS Dubai in November 2024. She can be contacted via LinkedIn or on