The Importance of Wellbeing for Staff Recruitment and Retention

It’s essential to help a business grow. The strategy considers the talent they have, the talent they need and how to develop and retain ‘high-potential’ employees. The same can be said for schools. If staff needs are met and there is a balance between expectation and workload, alongside a supportive and progressive culture, overall good wellbeing and job satisfaction – student attainment will be higher and staff costs substantially lower.

Here are some considerations for developing a people strategy across your school’s ‘staff lifecycle’:

1. Attracting the staff you want Generate interest in your school. Share why it is a great place to work and shout about the culture. Identify routes to reach ideal candidates and give them reasons to engage with you - even if currently you have no vacancies – for example, opening up CPD opportunities to staff from other schools.

Remember the best ambassadors you have are those already working with you and the stories they tell.

2. Recruitment considerations You may be recruiting in a highly competitive market. Job interviews and selection days are part of a process - alongside the usual job description, person specification, application form and job advert. How does yours stand out from others?

Focus on attitude and cultural fit, and not just skills and experience. Generate some goodwill by offering feedback to candidates - even if your time is tight. There are simple ways to share brief feedback, for example a quick video - you have to review the applications anyway!

This will set you apart from others as candidates share their experience.

3. Welcoming new staff - Onboarding, not induction, starts when staff are appointed and provides ongoing support and challenge. You may be desperate to get them in the classroom on day one, but week one should include so much more - meetings with senior leaders, lunches with other staff and quality time with their line manager.

New recruits need a personal plan that covers the coming months - regular 1:1s; coaching; feedback; training; two-way reviews; a career development conversation and more.

4. Performance management Managing staff members’ performance delivers strong results and supports staff wellbeing. If poor performance or behaviour is not tackled early, it can lead to conscious or unconscious resentment and dips in the performance of others.

Line managers often perceive dealing with staff issues as ‘difficult’, rather than part of a transparent process, which must also include praise. Plan ahead, collect relevant evidence, ask questions and listen openly, and agree achievable goals with scheduled follow up meetings. As a supportive process it becomes a positive part of school culture.

5. Professional development When planning CPD try to find links between staff members’ interests and your development plan. Staff will be intrinsically motivated and appreciate your consideration – the CPD will have a personal connection to their individual needs, rather than it all being ‘must do’.

Successful CPD cannot simply be short twilight sessions, 15-minute briefings, training days and workshop merry-go-rounds. It should include career conversations, and agreed long and short-term plans.

Mark Solomons

  • Founder, School Wellbeing Accelerator & Leadership, Culture, Engagement and Performance Improvement Expert