Educating for Sustainability: Empowering for a Greener Future

As we stand at the crossroads of environmental challenges and possibilities, we find ourselves at an exciting juncture in education, with a profound mission ahead of us: educating for sustainability, not just about it. An educational journey has taken place over the past four years of my career, since joining The Arbor School, embracing the important mission of educating young minds about environmental justice, equity, and sustainable development. The commitment to the future of the world is an important one, a commitment that resonates deeply within my role as an educator and indeed influencer of young minds and colleagues.


Holistic education is an educational trend, with much research and development being added to professional development schedules, intertwining academic excellence with character development. However, adding another piece to this puzzle, a reverence for the environment and a commitment to nurturing responsible global citizens is essential as we move towards an increasingly uncertain future for our planet. Understanding this on a contextually larger scale has propelled me to channel efforts not only into educating about sustainability but also to delve deeper into the concept and truly educate for sustainability.

Educating FOR Sustainability: A Paradigm Shift

But why educate about sustainability and not just about it? The distinction lies in the depth of understanding and the magnitude of impact. Educating for sustainability transcends theoretical knowledge and engages students in tangible, transformative action. It equips them with the skills, mindset, and conviction to be active participants in shaping a sustainable future.

This approach doesn't merely create environmentally conscious individuals; it cultivates critical thinkers, problem solvers, and compassionate leaders. When students undertake projects like designing and creating nature-inspired ocean-safe sunscreen, developing prayer clothing made from recycled fabric, organizing beach clean-up events, or running thrifting events within the school, they bridge the gap between theory and practice, applying their learning to real-world scenarios through taking action. Moving from theory into service helps cement classroom understandings and actualize the impact of their actions. These experiences instill a sense of agency and ownership, nurturing confidence and resilience, and helping our students understand how they can make a real, measurable impact within their spheres of influence.


I have been humbled to witness the transformation this approach brings about. It's not just about teaching information; it's about nurturing values and building relationships. It's not just about imparting knowledge; it's about fostering a mindset. It's not just about preparing students for the future; it's about enabling and empowering them to shape it.

Committing to action-driven learning stands as a testament to my belief in the potential of young people of the world. They aren't just the recipients of knowledge; they are the agents of change. They aren't just the leaders of tomorrow; they are the trailblazers of today, and educating for sustainability isn't a fleeting trend; it's the foundation upon which we build a resilient future. A holistic approach, coupled with a commitment to nurturing environmental stewards, sets the stage for a generation that is attuned to the needs of our planet and possesses the skills to address them.

In a world where the environment's challenges are complex and interwoven, dedication to educating for sustainability is a beacon of hope, and at this time, with just seven years until the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development deadline, hope and passion are what we need. It's a statement that extends beyond the written word, resonating through action – an action that promises to shape a greener, more sustainable future for all.

Written by: Hannah Mainds Head of Global Awareness Studies & Service Learning / Secondary Ecoliteracy Teacher


Hannah Mainds