Chat GPT Is Here! 5 Alternatives To Written Essays!

With the advent of new technologies such as chat-bots like ChatGPT, it’s important that we consider alternative methods of assessment that can help us gain a more well-rounded understanding of our students.

One issue with relying heavily on written essays as a form of assessment is that it can inadvertently disadvantage certain students. As Dr. Karen Harris, a leading expert in the field of education, states, “Standardized writing assessments can be particularly challenging for students who have difficulty with written expression, including those with learning disabilities, English language learners, and students who have had limited experience with writing.”

Research also supports the idea that relying too heavily on written essays can be problematic. A study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that “students who are poor writers are at a disadvantage in traditional writing assessments.” The study also suggests that “teachers should consider using alternative forms of assessment, such as oral presentations or group projects, to assess student understanding.”