An Australian educational network talks about leadership in rapid digital rollout during challenging times

In 2020, the group managed to effectively roll out approximately three years of technology skills and know-how to their 12,000 staff members in only three months with the implementation of its remote learning package: Alternative Education Program (AEP).
Even in the ‘normal’ course of business, this would have been a remarkable achievement but to have exacted this rollout  in the midst of a global pandemic remains a jaw-dropping feat; testament to the quality of their leadership.

Fiona Boyd, CEO of EdSmart – a digital administration platform – interviewed Sharyn Creed and Allan Sheffield from BCE as part of GESS’ Global Leadership Summit 23 and 24 March 2021. Following is a written summary of that video interview where they talk about performing such a herculean task under the most challenging of circumstances.
“It may appear on the surface that it all happened quite quickly but it was a lot of work behind the scenes previous to that," Allan Sheffield, BCE’s Manager of School Information Systems, humbly begins. “Our journey to the cloud really started several years ago, so we weren't in a position where we had to do everything at once.”
“We have 146 schools and eight offices, and they were already connected to a range of enterprise-wide systems,” explains Sharyn Creed, Manager of IT and Learning Services. “They were used for marking rolls online, collaborating and reporting in those online spaces.”
“Similarly, our parents were used to receiving and accessing information via our parent portals and on mobile apps, so they knew of those environments but they probably weren't as practised in using them.”
Sharyn admits, however, that BCE had been working with their schools to deliver a digital skills program aimed at increasing teacher confidence and digital literacy skills. As she adds, “At that time it was quite a different program, in that we were going into schools, doing a lot of coaching and modelling with teachers in classrooms.”
With those elements already in play, BCE was in a unique position when the instability created by COVID-19 began to impact education delivery across the country.
The second quarter of 2020 was busy and stressful for the vast majority of people as the scale and ferocity of the coronavirus – and its impacts – were being understood globally. Within BCE, this was no different. But in the face of these challenges, Sharyn, Allan and their technical teams (known as Digital Support Program Leads) began to play a vital role in facilitating remote learning and supporting their community through some important changes.
“We knew that we weren't coming back after the Easter break, and we knew that remote learning was going to take place. So we had probably about two weeks to build a broader team and think about how we would best prepare our teachers,” explains Sharyn.
“So alongside our little digital skills team, we also built a base of education officers – Digital Support Program Leads – who were within our system, that they would deploy to a whole range of other tasks. We set up a whole range of online conferences and ‘how-to’ sessions as a collaboration between those two teams. They became the most important people in our system there at one point.”
The collaboration between IT and teaching that resulted was a point of excitement for Allan. As he explains, “We put together a virtual conference and allowed teachers from across the organisation to choose their session. Some were around how to run an online meeting in Teams, how to distribute content when the students have iPads at home, and how to record online meetings and where to share them. [It was] really practical stuff, as well as about the best practises around pedagogy and curriculum.” 
“We advertised the forums and the response to that was huge,” continues Allan. “We had hundreds, even thousands of teachers over the course of three days join us. You might have in your meeting this one person pop up as an identity but then, when you look behind that camera, there'll be a whole staff room of 30 teachers who were joining to that one account, so it was actually hard to capture the true amount of teachers and the impact that we had through those online meetings.”
The gaps in staff and student technical skills became evident. Having the existing technical foundations in place allowed BCE to focus their attention on schools, classrooms, teachers and students. In something of a ‘happy accident’, it meant that end users approached Digital Support Program Leads more than perhaps they might have in a more conventional environment.
“We didn't have to sell the service as much,” explains Sharyn. “Teachers and our education office's staff as well, all of a sudden had this common purpose, a common need and a common set of expectations for how people use the tools and what they needed to use them effectively in the classroom.”
“Without COVID, she continues, “it would have been a really large, complex, expensive change management exercise that would have taken years to get to where we are at the moment and a lot of budget to initiate. It was a little bit of a blessing in disguise.”