Victoria EdTech Summit: Meet the exhibitors - Mindsets Learning

Tell us about the company 

Mindsets Learning is the world’s leading digital inquiry and project based platform for math & STEAM education. Mindsets prepare students with the problem solving, creative and collaboration skills to succeed in the global economy.

Mindsets is adopted in the classroom by teachers in all states in USA and in 81 countries around the world. We are fully cloud-based, accessible in 100+ languages, and flexibly designed with teachers & students in mind, for in person teaching in the classroom, in hybrid teaching or fully remote for distance learning from home.

Often students are asking questions on how I will ever use what I am learning and how it is relevant. Mindsets solves the problem of lack of engagement and interest in students by providing real-world problems to be solved using Maths and Science skills and concepts. The solutions are not meant to be right or wrong answers but the focus is on problem-solving approach, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication - all key 21st-century skills which are essential for the future of work. Mindsets has proven to increase student engagement and learning outcomes based on external evaluation studies.

For our outstanding curriculum and instructional platform, Mindsets received a 2020 CODIE award for the Best Emerging Instructional Solution by the US Software Industry Association. In 2020, we were also certified to the highest level for pedagogy and learner engagement by the Education Alliance of Finland.

What initiatives are you working on currently  

Mindsets has a thriving R&D program and our lab is currently focussing on the cutting edge technology to measure wellbeing, social emotional learning and 21st century skills.

What are the benefits for educational establishments using your product/s 

Student lack of engagement can severely impact mathematics learning. At a macro level, it can be impacted by the student’s level of engagement with the topic and the lesson, and at a micro level it is affected by the student’s ability to suppress distractions, engage in problem solving and focus on the learning tasks. Mindsets’ award-winning, cloud-based instructional platform offers authentic, collaborative, project-driven lessons (Mindsets Challenges) aligned to various curriculums and used in classrooms across 81+ countries and in all states in the US.

It promotes effective engagement by bridging the gap between traditional classroom math learning and real-world application by developing inquiry-based Challenges. In the Challenges, students apply problem-solving skills to authentic problems based on socially relevant current events, entrepreneurial situations, and careers.

Based on externally funded evaluation studies in the US, Mindsets has proven to increase student learning outcomes many fold - for example, one study shows students reasoning skills improve by 24 times. one of the most significant is doubling the pass rate of students who fail under the traditional curriculum - all students have the capacity to flourish and thrive, and inquiry based learning is a perfect solution for those who struggle with the “kill and drill” approach to learning. Mindsets serves schools and a wide spectrum of students on the learning curve – including those who struggle with Mathematics, high performing students and schools and  also schools where students are craving for more challenge in learning which is beyond the textbook.