Victoria EdTech Summit: Meet the exhibitors - InternMatch

Tell us about the company 

Gerard Holland and Domenic Saporito co-founded Outcome.Life in Melbourne in 2016 after years of experience in the world of chartered accounting, business innovation, entrepreneurship and armed with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by international students.

Outcome.Life is committed to improving the employment outcomes of graduates through internships, Work Readiness Programs and Work Integrated Learning experiences. We have helped thousands of students start their careers since our beginnings in 2016, and we are growing internationally.

Our new programs also provide remote internship experiences that better prepare students for the virtualized work driven by changes emerging from the COVID19 pandemic.

All programs provide access to a broad range of events, courses, mentoring sessions and networking experiences to help them start their career.

Our custom-built platforms are regarded as best practice in supporting internships and provide transparency and compliance to internship stakeholders. They continue to evolve with the trends that best support employability outcomes for our customers.

The head office is based in Melbourne with remote offices in Sydney, Adelaide, Darwin, the UK and South Africa.

What initiatives are you working on currently  

Like most other companies whose core business was significantly impacted by the challenges of a global pandemic, 2020 became a year of innovation and rising to those challenges in new and different ways. This included increased sophistication of the digital platforms, the establishment of remote/virtual internships, and with those innovations, a new round of international expansion.

This year, the Mandela Legacy Foundation (MLF) selected InternMatch International, a subsidiary of Outcome.Life, as their global partner to provide improved employment outcomes for African youth. The MLF Global Internship Challenge is already underway.

As we continue to innovate internships and their power to yield better employment outcomes, we are adding credentials, expressed as digital badges, to the suite of solutions. These credentials, based on standardised frameworks, will be the proof-points that enable our interns to demonstrate they applied their skills in real world contexts and that they are ready to start their career journey. Our credential program will be piloted in June.

What are the benefits for educational establishments using your product/s 

It has been widely recognized that in many areas the COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a catalyst for many of the transformations that were already evident in both education and work. This has been especially true for the stronger focus on both employability, and more importantly, employment of tertiary graduates.

At Outcome.Life we have a growing base of statistics that speak to the improved employment outcomes for our interns. These benefits result not only from the placement itself, but also from the range of support services provided to directly target student needs.

For the large majority of tertiary institutions, any form of work placement is a manual, time-consuming and costly process. Our experience with a broad range of internship and experiential learning models has enabled us to develop a specialised platform, InternMatch, to support all aspects of the process and its stakeholders.

InternMatch takes the hard work out of placements, provides high-levels of transparency, facilitates regulatory compliance and importantly, facilitates easier customisation of both internship and training plan requirements to meet the individualised needs of the key stakeholders; the interns and the host companies.

Our growing range of solutions include MentorMatch for streamlined and enhanced mentoring, and soon, our credentialing solution. The direct benefits to educational institutions will be demonstrable improvements in employability and employment, reduced effort in internship placements, better visibility of the outcomes of Work Integrated Learning activities, and a commitment to continuous innovation in the space.